LAB 1 Basic ASA Configuration
Initial Configuring of ASA is similar as Router where you use a rollover cable to connect console of ASA to com port PC. Command Line Interface (CLI) here is little different from IOS Router but the modes are similar as on Router, We have an Unprivileged Mode “>” This is the most basic level of access to the Cisco Device, the first mode in which you can issue very few commands. To configure your ASA you need to get in to Privileged Mode “#”.


Task-1 Getting Started With ASA
                When we boot up the device we get into unprivileged mode from where we can view the details of ASA, its supporting features, available interfaces and its Licensing etc...

ciscoasa> show version
Cisco ASA Security Appliance Software Version 8.0(4)                                             IOS Version of ASA

ciscoasa up 33 mins 30 secs                                                                                Uptime of device

Hardware:   PIX-525, 256 MB RAM, CPU Pentium II 1 MHz
Flash E28F128J3 @ 0xfff00000, 16 MB                                                       Hardware Configurations
BIOS Flash AM29F400B @ 0xfffd8000, 32KB
Licensed features for this platform:                                                             
Maximum Physical Interfaces    : 10
Maximum VLANs                           : 100
Inside Hosts                                                            : Unlimited
Failover                                                                   : Active/Active
VPN-DES                                                                  : Enabled
VPN-3DES-AES                                : Enabled                                                   License Details
Cut-through Proxy                        : Enabled
Guards                                                                     : Enabled
URL Filtering                                                           : Enabled
Security Contexts                         : 2
GTP/GPRS                                                               : Disabled
VPN Peers                                                              : Unlimited

This platform has an Unrestricted (UR) license.
Serial Number: 403340212
Running Activation Key: 0x497acdef 0x39ef68ac 0x36d54110 0x2f9868d7
Configuration has not been modified since last system restart.

                From unprivileged mode we can issue few more commands like ping, traceroute and login etc.… but to make any changes on the device or to configure device we need to get into privileged mode of that device. From Unprivileged mode issue enable command to get into privileged mode
ciscoasa> enable
Password:                           The default password on ASA is Blank <null> hit Enter when prompted

                When you are in privileged mode now you can start configuring your device, When you are in privileged mode of ASA you can issue all the commands to device, to make some configuration on device you need to get into configure mode, you can get into configure mode by issuing configure terminal command in privileged mode
ciscoasa# configure terminal
ciscoasa(config)# enable password cisco123        Configuring Enable Password

ciscoasa(config)# hostname ASA                              Modifying Hostname

                In the description of show version command you can view the licensing details of the device which exhibits the capabilities of device functioning. ASA comes with two different licenses
·         Base License
·         Security plus License
By default ASA comes with Base License where few functions of ASA will be restricted or locked. To use those functions we need to get an Activation Key from Cisco and Install it on Device.
ASA(config)# activation-key 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
The following features available in flash activation key are NOT
available in new activation key:
Failover is different.
   flash activation key: Restricted(R)
   new activation key: Unrestricted(UR)
Proceed with update flash activation key? [confirm]       Press Enter
WARNING: The running activation key was not updated with the requested key.
The flash activation key was updated with the requested key, and will become active after the next reload.

Task-2 Configuring Interfaces as per following Credentials
Ip Address
Security Level
Ethernet 0
Ethernet 1
Ethernet 2

                Simply like a router Interface configuration in ASA is done from interface mode only.
ASA(config)# interface ethernet 0
ASA(config-if)# ip address
ASA(config-if)# no shutdown

ASA(config-if)# interface ethernet 1
ASA(config-if)# ip address
ASA(config-if)# no shutdown

ASA(config-if)# interface ethernet 2
ASA(config-if)# ip address
ASA(config-if)# no shutdown

But apart from configuring ip address in ASA we even have to configure Two more credentials i.e. Name of interface and Trustiness of interface (Security Level). Where Name of the interface is the any logical name (Like Inside, Outside, Private any name) given to the interface and throughout configuration the interface will be called with that name not by their Physical names (Ethernet 0 or 1), Assigning name to interface is mandatory. Even if you assign ip address until and unless you configure name to it our interface will not function.
                And security level is the value which defines the trustiness of an interface. The interface with high security level value can communicate with low security value interfaces but low valued interface can’t initiate communication for high valued interfaces by default.
ASA(config-if)# interface ethernet 0
ASA(config-if)# nameif outside
INFO: Security level for "DMZ" set to 0 by default.
ASA(config-if)# security-level 0

ASA(config-if)# interface ethernet 1
ASA(config-if)# nameif inside                    
INFO: Security level for "inside" set to 100 by default.

ASA(config-if)# interface ethernet 2
ASA(config-if)# nameif DMZ
INFO: Security level for "DMZ" set to 0 by default.           
ASA(config-if)# security-level 50

ASA# show running-config ip
interface Ethernet0
 nameif outside
 security-level 0
 ip address
interface Ethernet1
 nameif inside
 security-level 100
 ip address
interface Ethernet2
 nameif DMZ
 security-level 50
 ip address